Home » Dream about Being Dragged Across The Floor

Dream about Being Dragged Across The Floor

Dream about being dragged across the floor is unfortunately a warning signal for some overwhelming task or emotion that you are going through in your life. You may be a little too harsh and too abrasive toward others. Your situation has taken an unanticipated turn for the worse. This is unfortunately your desire for routine and normalcy. You are always on the lookout for anybody who is trying to out-maneuver, out-rank, or out-wit you.

Being dragged across the floor dream is a hint for an authoritative figure or a father figure. Someone is not paying enough attention and showing enough affection toward you. You are not seeing something clearly. It is a premonition for failure. Others are not seeing things from your angle.

If you dreamt about being dragged across the floor:

The thing you dread the most could be the very thing you need the most in your life. You’re at a point right now when the lessons that come might be hard to swallow, but they’re necessary. Don’t try to resist what you know you must face. Approach things with courage instead of fear and you can conquer anything. Once you climb the mountain, the rest is downhill.

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