Home » Dream about Being Levitation

Dream about Being Levitation

Dream about being levitation states your desires to break free from some obligation or relationship. You are being undermined or stifled in some way. You may have some self-doubt in your abilities and in coming to a decision. This points at harmony and unity. You wished you had a little more time with them.

Being levitation dream is an omen for masculine aggression or power. You are avoiding some issue. You need to put more effort on some task. The dream draws attention to your religious faith. You are rebuilding your self-esteem and trying to improve your self-image.

If you dreamt about being levitation:

It concerns the strengthening of the bond between you, and perhaps the idea of doing so formally. Although you will have much to discuss, you may also wish to include some kind of celebration later on to mark the occasion.

Related to being levitation dream:

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