Home » Dream about Being Pointed By A Gun

Dream about Being Pointed By A Gun

Dream about being pointed by a gun is a premonition for victory, success or peace. You are leading a lifestyle of excess. The future looks bright for you. This means a relationship in which you should let go and move on. You have a fresh new outlook on life.

Being pointed by a gun dream suggests the balance that you need to maintain in various aspects of your life. You are looking for attention. You are able to navigate through life based on the lessons and skills you have learned. Your dream expresses your deep and intimate connection with God. You may need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential.

If you dreamt about being pointed by a gun:

Things should be going well for you. Stay on track and you’ll have a clear runway. If you deviate from where you need to be, you might get a harsh reminder from something or someone. There are powerful forces at work. You’ll benefit if you work with instead of against them. Maintain your focus on the truth and those aspects that align with your soul.

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