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Dream about Being Trapped In A Dark Room

Dream about being trapped in a dark room is sadly feelings that you are unable to verbally express or communicate openly. You feel cut off, isolated and disempowered. You need to acknowledge your problems so you can move on. Your dream is a signal for the complications and difficulties that you are experiencing in your life. Someone may be trying to guide you toward certain decisions.

Being trapped in a dark room dream suggests a loss or a period of mourning. You are trying to reduce the affect of a negative situation. You need to make sure to think things through clearly. It is a symbol for your strong, negative emotions like hate, anger, etc. You are being stuffy, unyielding and rigid.

If you dreamt about being trapped in a dark room:

Allies in your workplace are likely to give you a hard time. At first you may get upset at their aggressive nature. Upon closer examination, however, you will see that they are doing you a favor. They are helping you see another perspective.

Related to being trapped in a dark room dream:

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