Home » Dream about Broken Ruler

Dream about Broken Ruler

Dream about broken ruler stands for a cleansing of your outer and inner self. You do not like change. Someone has disappointed you or let you down in some way. The dream hints deceit and thievery. You are feeling limited and constrained.

Broken ruler dream is a clue for an attack to your soul or to your being. You need to actively assert yourself and prove yourself time and time again. You are feeling victimized by others or by circumstances. Your dream is an admonition for feelings of fear and insecurity over a situation. You are dissatisfied or unhappy with an aspect of your life.

If you dreamt about broken ruler:

Someone you know from work could suddenly seem to have romantic feelings for you. At first this might make you a little uncomfortable, since you’ve never thought of this person in that way before. Don’t do anything rash. Think about it first. Maybe there’s potential, maybe not, but don’t jump at it or dismiss it out of hand. Who knows? This person could prove to be your ideal mate!

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