Home » Dream about Cherub

Dream about Cherub

Dream about cherub points at your strong maternal bond and instincts. It is the time to reflect and share past experiences. Perhaps a person is doing something suspicious or doing something exceptionally well. Your dream is about a happy home life and good hospitality. You are looking for comfort and warmth.

Cherub dream signals your ideal, hopes, potential and the youthful part of yourself. You are overwhelmed with a problem or issue. You are revealing aspects of yourself that have been kept well hidden. Your dream is a premonition for admiration, courtesy, reverence, friendship or respect. You will overcome hardships and misfortune.

If you dreamt about cherub:

This should be a fortunate day, including love, career, money, and health. Plans for a trip might finally materialize, and a long-awaited solution for a niggling health concern could manifest. You should feel very enthusiastic and optimistic about your future. You might even be daring enough to take a few more chances than usual. Go for the gold, and don’t be surprised if you actually get it!

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