Home » Dream about Crashing Car Into Tree

Dream about Crashing Car Into Tree

Dream about crashing car into tree hints wealth and good fortune. There is something in your life that is in need of your attention. You need a vacation and escape the stresses in your life. The dream is about femininity and your sense of emotions. You are rejecting someone who is showing interest in you.

Crashing car into tree dream is purity, prosperity and good fortunes. You are emotionally conservative. You may be questioning what you really want to do with your life. It is a premonition for a dominant female in your life. You are feeling good about life.

If you dreamt about crashing car into tree:

An idea you think is wonderful this morning might not look so great tomorrow. Don’t let others force you into making a rash decision. You are better off sleeping on it for at least a night before you give your final verdict. Others can wait.

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