Home » Dream about Deceased Person Holding My Hand

Dream about Deceased Person Holding My Hand

Dream about deceased person holding my hand draws attention to a challenge that will test your character and ability. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to rebuild a broken friendship. You need to rid yourself of past emotions and habit. Your dream is your financial and emotional state. You are on a quick downward slide.

Deceased person holding my hand dream signifies an inner battle between your own ideals and values and between the ideals and values of others. You are paying for your past actions and mistakes. You need to look within yourself. This denotes innocence and carefree attitude. You are doing all the work to make it easier for others later on.

If you dreamt about deceased person holding my hand:

You are a lover. You love to be loved, and you often follow your heart above all else. Just make sure that this desire for love isn’t having an adverse affect on your career and work life in general. Take the time to assess your situation and plan.

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