Home » Dream about Drugs After Quitting

Dream about Drugs After Quitting

Dream about drugs after quitting refers to emotional issues and you sense of femininity and masculinity. You are looking at your problems from a different perspective. You are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. This dream hints a bond. You may have maximized the usefulness of a certain circumstance.

Drugs after quitting dream suggests the meeting between your two states of mind. You are experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. You are acting immaturely. It is a symbol for the rational and mental processes. You feel that you are being unfairly treated.

If you dreamt about drugs after quitting:

How can you do anything else, you may ask? Well in your case you have a tendency to try not to feel them, because you are so acutely sensitive to all that this could entail. Someone needs to hear how much you care about them, from your own lips, rather than hearsay from other people. Make them smile!

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