Home » Dream about Eating Shirt

Dream about Eating Shirt

Dream about eating shirt is an indication for the shaping and development of your personality. You are looking for approval, validation and acknowledgement for your work. You are ready to face your problems head on. This is a message for the nurturing mother and how you are there for your loved ones. Someone else is sad because of your actions.

Eating shirt dream is your ability to change your Self. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears. You are embarrassed by a situation. The dream signals an immature attitude towards the opposite gender. You are not ready to settle down into a committed relationship.

If you dreamt about eating shirt:

Get your ideas down on paper instead of letting them fly out the opposite ear they went in. Make sure that this isn’t a piece of scrap paper that will soon get tossed accidentally in the wastebasket. Your ideas are good – use today to organize them.

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