Home » Dream about Female Cousin

Dream about Female Cousin

Dream about female cousin is an evidence for a friendship that is in need of repair. May be there is a social issue that you need to get involved in. Your feelings or ideas are being dismissed or cast to the side. It draws attention to sorrow and mourning. You feel restricted and restrained from being able to express yourself.

Female cousin dream is a harbinger for your generosity towards others. You are behaving immaturely. You are feeling unmotivated. The dream is a clue for your insecurities and anxieties. Others are looking up to you.

If you dreamt about female cousin:

Tension is likely to arise in many different areas of your life. It’s possible that you’re either too dreamy or too practical for the issue at hand. It’s important for you to strike a balance. The toughest part will be finding people and situations that agree with you. Other people are likely to be quite inflexible and stubborn, and you may have to adapt in order to reach a compromise.

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