Home » Dream about Frying Chicken Wings

Dream about Frying Chicken Wings

Dream about frying chicken wings means feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. Perhaps you have an immature attitude towards life. You may be taking on too many responsibilities and working too hard that you are not catering to your emotional self. The dream means routine and monotony. You should not overlook the frivolous and seemingly minute things in life.

Frying chicken wings dream refers to something or someone that is draining your energy or resources. Things may look insignificant and meaningless up close, but you need to stand back and consider the overall picture. You are either being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive enough. Your dream is an evidence for real-life events and the stress that is caused by a problem. You are experiencing some sort of guilt.

If you dreamt about frying chicken wings:

You generally want it all, or you don’t want any of it. The celestial configuration is helping you to learn how to balance this tendency. Gradually you are getting the message that it doesn’t help when you have such extreme reactions to events and issues within your relationships. You will see how you often cause problems by your own attitudes, and so you will gradually change.

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