Home » Dream about Getting Your Hair Chopped Off

Dream about Getting Your Hair Chopped Off

Dream about getting your hair chopped off signals your adaptability and versatility to various situations. You are shutting yourself down and not letting others in. You are trying to balance various areas of your life. The dream means your carelessness and inconsideration of someone’s feelings. It is like a blank canvas where you want to start life anew.

Getting your hair chopped off dream draws attention to an aspect of yourself that is unfamiliar or strange to you. You feel like you want to hide from the world and be left alone for awhile. You are not being open to a situation. This is a warning signal for fear, frustration and anger which you have repressed and kept inside. You may be putting your thoughts in order and getting your facts straight.

If you dreamt about getting your hair chopped off:

You can use this day to dig yourself deeper into a hole. Or through patient discussion, you can aim to finally to climb out. The choice is yours. It depends on whether you can overcome your fears of revealing the deeper feelings you have – even though this may prove difficult – or whether you still feel the need to hide your true emotions.

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