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Dream about Going To A Play

Dream about going to a play means a happy home life and good hospitality. You are taking charge and accepting responsibility of a situation. You are feeling upbeat and groovy. It suggests your willingness to let people in and share your life with others. Some current knowledge or information will help you or someone in the future.

Going to a play dream hints your potential for success. You are seeking recognition for your work. You will achieve much success through your efforts. It is a metaphor for honor. You are recognizing your roots and where you came from.

If you dreamt about going to a play:

Creating a balance in your emotional life right now will be a priority. To help you do this, concentrate on what you eat. There must be a minimum of processed sugar in your diet if you are to feel your true emotions without the fluctuation caused by artificial preservatives. Make an effort to eliminate one dietary habit that doesn’t help your emotional balance. Soda pop is definitely one of those things. Candy of course is another. Notice the little things that damage your diet.

Related to going to a play dream:

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