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Dream about Lost Wallet Found

Dream about lost wallet found is about how your compare yourself to others or how others perceive you. You can no longer contain your strong emotions and need to get it out of your system quickly. There is something or someone that you want to take out your aggression on. This dream is about a loss of someone or something. Something is not right or normal about a situation.

Lost wallet found dream states some illness or death. You are trying to keep your distance in order to avoid getting hurt. You need to prioritize and reorganize aspects of your life. It unfortunately draws attention to unfinished emotional business related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings. You are refusing to acknowledge and confront your feelings because it may be too painful or too fresh.

If you dreamt about lost wallet found:

Today’s aspect may indicate that right now you are your own worst enemy as far as a close personal relationship is concerned. There is something in your attitude that encourages you to undermine what could be a really promising partnership. The answer lies not in anything your partner (current or prospective) may or may not do, but within yourself. You need to stand back and view it all from a different perspective.

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โญShareโญ to appreciate human effort ๐Ÿ™

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