Home » Dream about Loved One Being Run Over

Dream about Loved One Being Run Over

Dream about loved one being run over is about a emotional act. You are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over. You feel that you are becoming like your father. The dream represents your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. You are feeling conflicted.

Loved one being run over dream points to fame, wealth, good health and love. You are refusing help from others. You feel alone and that no one understands you. This dream is a harbinger for strength, solidity and stability. Your anger is out of control and it is affecting those around you.

If you dreamt about loved one being run over:

The world around you is going faster than you are comfortable with. Be sure to take some time alone today in order to cool down and give yourself a break from the whirlwind of energy around you. You need a mental time-out from the insanity.

Related to loved one being run over dream:

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