Dream about mushroom soup t shirt is a warning for someone who may be looking for a relationship with you. You lack focus. You feel somebody is not always there for you. This points at someone who is plain. You have failed to make use of the opportunities that have come your way.
Mushroom soup t shirt dream is a harbinger for something that has been switched, changed or exchanged. You are being overly dramatic in some situation. The dream is trying to warn you of some accident. The dream is unfortunately a warning for your anxiety over money matters and financial security. There is some issue in your past that is hindering your pursuit of your goals.
If you dreamt about mushroom soup t shirt:
Tension that you have been having with someone in the workplace eases, as you find common ground to stand on. When you discover something that you can both relate to, your sense of connection instead of separation assuages any difficulties.
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