Home » Dream about Peeing In Sleep

Dream about Peeing In Sleep

Dream about peeing in sleep is a sign for some advice and message that your subconscious is trying to convey. You may feel a sense of failure or belief that you are unable to achieve your goals and aspirations. You or someone is lying and being dishonest. This dream is sadly your lack of self-confidence. You need to break out of your shell and let others know your true self.

Peeing in sleep dream draws attention to your subconscious and the negative aspects of yourself. There is a situation where you need to take quick and decisive action. You are trying to pass off something as your own. It stands for something significant that you no longer have due to your carelessness and lack of attention. You need to stop thinking negative thoughts.

If you dreamt about peeing in sleep:

Sometimes the ravages of time may create holes or scars in our best and most promising relationships, but under this influence you will find that past problems melt away and somehow seem less important. This is a great time to go out dinner and recreate the magic that you know is really there. It is worth it.

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