Dream about picking green peppers hints fear of being found out and exposed over your activities. Some aspects of your personality are in conflict. You need to pay attention to the details in a situation. It is a message for your life. You are feeling defensive.
Picking green peppers dream is a premonition for conflict between your serious and playful side. It is time to cleanse your body and spirits. You are looking toward the future instead of dwelling on the past. This dream refers to feelings of patriotism and duty to country. Some secret information has leaked-out.
If you dreamt about picking green peppers:
The most effective measure of a healthy diet is how well you sleep. The quality of rest you enjoy has to do with how finely tuned your body is. What you eat affects your ability to exercise and relax. Take the time to notice how your body digests what you eat. Red meat is difficult to digest – leafy greens are easy to digest. Get familiar with the spectrum and start treating your body the way you would a finely tuned instrument.
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