Dream about picking pumpkin is a premonition for your respect for nature and its beings. You are living in your own fantasy world. Something in your life is unsuitable. The dream states your openness and your receptiveness to new ideas and experiences. Someone or something is pulling you down.
Picking pumpkin dream is about your grace and poise in a situation or circumstance. You are living life in the fast lane. Some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. This is an indication for your sensual side and intimate desires. You are being pulled into two different directions.
If you dreamt about picking pumpkin:
Love and romance blossom as a current or potential love partner comes on strong with passionate affection. This person could have a lot to say that catches you by surprise. In the past, communicating may not have been this person’s strength, but now it’s like there’s no stopping the flow of words. Listen, and guard your responses. You’ll need to think about what he or she says.
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