Home » Dream about Playing A Prank

Dream about Playing A Prank

Dream about playing a prank denotes your hastiness and quick temper. You need to cut ties with people who do not have your best interest in mind. You are looking to be different and trying something new. The dream points at sudden changes in a situation. You feel like you are on top of the world and that there is nothing you can’t handle.

Playing a prank dream is a portent for a transitional phase where you are approaching a new direction in life. You feel that you are not yourself anymore. You are putting up a barrier or some sort of shield between yourself and others. This dream is a symbol for your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. You are being kept out of some activity or situation.

If you dreamt about playing a prank:

Who knew you were so talented? A creation done long ago suddenly takes on a life of its own. A short story written and submitted long ago is pulled from the bottom of the slush pile. Or a portrait you painted gets a second admiring look. Whatever the circumstances, you enjoy the recognition. Your work isn’t the only thing receiving admiring glances. Your partner appreciates you, too!

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