Home » Dream about Rice Porridge

Dream about Rice Porridge

Dream about rice porridge is sadly suppressed aggression that you are unable to express in your life. You are experiencing problems and distress in your personal relationships. Your anger is on the verge of erupting into violent expression. It symbolises the choices, decisions and options you have in your life. You are lacking focus or that you are feeling detached from a situation.

Rice porridge dream is sadly a warning alert for something you do not fully understand. You are experiencing difficulties in confronting a situation or relationship. You may be harboring some repressed thoughts, some unexpressed emotions, resentments, or hostilities. The dream denotes rejected or unwanted aspects of yourself. You are feeling unprepared, unworthy, or unsupported in your current circumstances.

If you dreamt about rice porridge:

You may get frustrated in the workplace since everyone else seems to be getting all the praise and attention, while you are the one actually doing all the work. Try to keep the focus more on what you are doing instead of what everyone else is doing.

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