Home » Dream about Rough River

Dream about Rough River

Dream about rough river is a sign for the primitive and instinctual aspect of yourself. You may not be getting along with some work colleague or family member. You are ridding yourself of old ideas, notions, opinions and other negativities. This dream is a portent for some difficulty or some sort of hardship headed your way. You feel trapped in a situation or condition.

Rough river dream is a premonition for a commitment toward your goals and your unwillingness to deviate from the course. Your hopes and desires have been dashed. You have a tendency to worry needlessly over a situation that will work out in the end. It represents your need to grow and expand. You may feel unable to attain and measure up to society’s ideals of beauty.

If you dreamt about rough river:

You do not like to try and persuade people to do things against their real wishes, preferring to live and let live. However, with today’s aspect at play, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet concerning your loved one. Something about them is bothering you and making you to want to change them. Talk to them tactfully and compassionately, as this is more likely to be the best path.

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