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Dream about Seeing A Hammer

Dream about seeing a hammer is an omen for some goal, person, or ideal which you have lost track of. Some action needs to be completed before you can move onto the next phase. Perhaps your actions have been counterproductive. Your dream refers to the reward for your hard work and efforts. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to rebuild a broken friendship.

Seeing a hammer dream is a sign for a worrisome issue that you need to work through. You are going against your instinct. You are living on borrowed-time. The dream is a symbol for self-expression and communication. You are looking to be uplifted in some way.

If you dreamt about seeing a hammer:

The energy of the day creates a very definite boundary regarding your date this evening. You both know you have potentially deep feelings for one another, but are not sure whether to give in to these, or to allow a little more time to pass before allowing them full rein. You will both be very sorely tempted, and may not be able to resist the passion you feel for one another.

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