Home » Dream about Seeing Cooked Chicken

Dream about Seeing Cooked Chicken

Dream about seeing cooked chicken symbolises repressed emotions or feelings that needs to be released. You are afraid of being judged. You need to stand up for yourself and assert your opinion. This dream is a harbinger for passivity or protection. You may want to find a way out of a situation.

Seeing cooked chicken dream is a premonition for submission, restraint and restrictions. You have come to a point in your life where you have several options that you need to weigh. You need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant. The dream symbolises changes or challenges in your life. Someone is thinking of you.

If you dreamt about seeing cooked chicken:

Yours is sometimes a lonely road. Today you may feel that no one knows your pain, and you are probably right. Instead of trudging up that hill with a heavy heart, consider turning your energy toward creating affinity. If you feel like being alone, then rent that movie a friend recommended. If you can bear to be around people, try to open up and suggest a favorite restaurant or take someone on your favorite walk. Then get a good, full night’s sleep.

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