Dream about seeing dead grandparents suggests your subconscious dislike for his/her significant other. You may be having difficulties with how to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. You may be feeling lost and still trying to find yourself and your purpose in life. It is a symbol for your desperation in trying to escape a repetitive situation or some behavior patterns. You need to clean up the mess you have created as a result of your childishness.
Seeing dead grandparents dream states your inability to make yourself heard and express yourself clearly. You are suffering from a situation or condition in which you are trying to escape from. You need to consider opposing viewpoints. It is a message for problems that need to be dealt with more directly. You need to acknowledge and confront the issue in order to complete your transformation and achieve wholeness.
If you dreamt about seeing dead grandparents:
You seem to be blowing both hot and cold when it comes to a certain relationship. On the one hand, you feel all fired up with passion, while on the other, you are not so sure that it will actually be that good when it comes down to it. Perhaps it is best to make this decision another day.
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