Home » Dream about Shopping For Bras

Dream about Shopping For Bras

Dream about shopping for bras points at trust in relationship. You are not sure what to believe or what is right anymore. You are in a situation where you fear being ridiculed or mocked. Your dream is a sign for your personality traits, behaviors and habits. You need to accept some decision.

Shopping for bras dream is a premonition for fertility, sensuality, gluttony or vitality. The opinions and beliefs of others are being forced upon you. You may be feeling undervalued or under appreciated. Your dream states a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. Perhaps you need to be more sensible.

If you dreamt about shopping for bras:

You can be quite withdrawn at times, with a dual nature that sometimes throws people off. Sometimes it even throws you off! You have such basic needs, but yet you feel inexplicably lonely at times. To tune into those needs that aren’t so grounded, try engaging in some kind of water therapy. Start by making your bathtub your shrine. This means special soaps, nice towels, fun bath toys and some good reading material. Swimming, steam bath, and sauna are also good practices.

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