Home » Dream about Snake Biting Someone

Dream about Snake Biting Someone

Dream about snake biting someone stands for your promise and to not let someone down. You are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life. You should slow down in your business and personal affairs. The dream is a premonition for your pent up anger and hidden aggression. You are censoring yourself and not expressing how you completely feel.

Snake biting someone dream is a signal for a situation where you are acting inappropriately. Your words are not coming out right. May be you are being buried by problems and stresses of your life. This dream hints something that is not fully developed. You lack leadership abilities.

If you dreamt about snake biting someone:

This person may not be anything like you imagined they would be, and you could be left wondering how you could have gotten it all so wrong. However, they will be very good company, if a bit eccentric. It’s up to you to decide where you want to take things from here.

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