Home » Dream about Someone Cutting Your Hair Off

Dream about Someone Cutting Your Hair Off

Dream about someone cutting your hair off is a portent for mischief and trouble. You are putting up a shield or barrier to protect yourself from potential hurt. You may experience some unfinished feelings that are being triggered by some situation. Your dream stands for someone in your life who has character flaws and imperfections, but you accept them. You are only limited by your imagination.

Someone cutting your hair off dream signifies actual or perceived limitations. You are not using your time and energy wisely. You are losing your ground or your foothold on some situation/problem. It expresses rejection and insecurity. Some issues that were previously out of control have been resolved.

If you dreamt about someone cutting your hair off:

You and your partner (current or prospective) may be engrossed in deciding what to spend your money on right now. This is the perfect time to do a little research into the kind of product you wish to buy, and also look out for the best bargains. If you spend some time pinpointing what you want, you will both come away feeling very satisfied with what you get.

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