Home » Dream about Someone Dead Body

Dream about Someone Dead Body

Dream about someone dead body stands for feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. You need to pay better attention to something in your life, like a relationship, school, work, family, or project. You need to simplify your life and get back to the bare basics. This is a metaphor for a lack of control and power in your life. You feel others are overly dependent on you.

Someone dead body dream is an omen for an aspect of yourself that you are trying to express. Only good things can happen from you telling your crush. You are not realizing your own potential. The dream is a transitional phase where you are seeking some sort of balance between your aggressive side and emotional side. Some message is not coming through properly.

If you dreamt about someone dead body:

Tension that you have been having with someone in the workplace eases, as you find common ground to stand on. When you discover something that you can both relate to, your sense of connection instead of separation assuages any difficulties.

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