Home » Dream about Someone Having A Kid

Dream about Someone Having A Kid

Dream about someone having a kid is an omen for support and your ability to ask for help when you need it. You are feeling weary about pursing someone else’s dreams instead of your own. Perhaps you are becoming too dependent and need to find your own path. The dream is about a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. You need to recognize your past mistakes and learn from it.

Someone having a kid dream signals the price you have to pay in order to get ahead in life. You are being deceived by someone or by some situation. You are facing some uncertainty in your life. The dream refers to personal significance. You need to slow down and enjoy the moment.

If you dreamt about someone having a kid:

Today you have a chance to dispel an illusion that has been causing you some problems for a while now. A certain relationship may have been taking up more and more of your time, and paradoxically, the more you give, the more they have seemed to want. You realize you have been taken for a ride, and it is time to pull back and reestablish some healthy boundaries.

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