Home » Dream about Someone Kidnapping A Baby

Dream about Someone Kidnapping A Baby

Dream about someone kidnapping a baby is a metaphor for your stubbornness and your refusal to change your attitudes and opinions. You are evaluating and weighing your problems. You need to rearrange some of your ideals in order to find a solution to a problem. It signals a person, situation, or relationship that you want to distance yourself from. You need to get rid of something in your life that is useless.

Someone kidnapping a baby dream states your severe attitude or some sort of self-punishment. You need to cushion or distance yourself against a hurtful situation or some offensive remarks. Some aspect of your Self may have been prevented from fully developing. The dream is unfortunately an alert for regret over your hasty decisions. It is time to end a problematic situation or relationship.

If you dreamt about someone kidnapping a baby:

Today may find you contemplating ways to rid yourself of your thankless partner. But before you go scribbling that “Dear John” letter and leaving it on the pillow, consider that it might not be all their fault. At the back of your mind you may be feeling guilty about something yourself, and are looking for an escape. Perhaps it’s time you talked.

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