Home » Dream about Someone Missing A Tooth

Dream about Someone Missing A Tooth

Dream about someone missing a tooth is unfortunately your acceptance of the restrictions you are facing. You are not comfortable in your own skin and have feelings of inadequacy. Losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person. The dream signifies the womb and thus signify refuge, protection and concealment. You are trying to present the ugly truth in a way that is easier to accept.

Someone missing a tooth dream is sadly an alert for your inability to reach your goals and advance toward your interests. You have lost your direction in life. You are taking drastic measures to rid yourself of all the responsibilities and things that are weighing you down. This dream is sadly a violent emotional outbreak. You are not looking deep enough into the problem.

If you dreamt about someone missing a tooth:

Have you ever noticed how good intentions can sometimes misfire? The approach is often at fault, not the intention. So it is with good health. If you want to steer yourself in a new direction, do so knowing that change is hard for anyone. Don’t be any harder on yourself than you would a dear friend. The easiest things to change are habits that cause immediate effect. Increase the amount of water you drink, and notice how your appetite decreases.

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