Home » Dream about Someone Mugging Me

Dream about Someone Mugging Me

Dream about someone mugging me is a hint for a situation where you are acting inappropriately. Your libido is stronger than the person that you are with or vice versa. You are being more careful, playing by the rules and abiding by the law. This is an admonition for unexpressed hostility which may erupt in violence if not expressed in a controlled manner. You are making some difficult and important decisions.

Someone mugging me dream is a harbinger for your old fashioned thinking and outdated attitude. You are not being clear in how your express yourself. You are losing your defenses. It is a premonition for a situation where you feel powerless and frustrated. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under.

If you dreamt about someone mugging me:

You may have tried to keep this particular secret for a long time, silently hidden away in the discreet space between your ears. However, your time is up, and you may well be found out. Your partner’s antennae are very finely tuned to subtle frequencies, and can pick up a little lie immediately. It’s not too bad a secret, after all, so best be honest.

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