Home » Dream about Someone Stealing My Food

Dream about Someone Stealing My Food

Dream about someone stealing my food states your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. There is a worrisome issue that you need to work through. There is an issue or problem plaguing you. This dream points at some emotional difficulty that can only be overcome through some pain. You are spread to thin and feel that you need to clone yourself in order to get what you need to get done.

Someone stealing my food dream expresses a mental challenge or problem that you need to solve in your life. You are being watched or are under scrutiny. You feel limited in your choices or physically immobilized. This suggests qualities within yourself that are yielding and can be changed. You are pursuing empty and fruitless endeavors.

If you dreamt about someone stealing my food:

One thing you find very hard to cope with is boring routine. Today you may be attracted by someone who seems to break every rule in the book. They may not look like much physically, but you sense a restlessness that you find intriguing. You notice that they have trouble keeping still, and have a well-traveled look. You definitely want to know more.

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