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Dream about Someone You Miss Quotes

Dream about someone you miss quotes symbolises encouragement and provides hope in dark and murky times. You are taking a situation too seriously. You need to stop trying to be in the middle of things and stop trying to fix things. It is sadly anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to achieving your goals. Your subconscious mind may be trying to get your attention.

Someone you miss quotes dream states your need to be or feel protected. You are feeling overburdened from your daily problems and need an outlet to release all that tension. You need to be more nurturing. This dream is a metaphor for your willingness to sacrifice your authority in order to maintain calmness in your domestic life or personal relationship. You may be relying too much on how you think, rather than how you feel or vice versa.

If you dreamt about someone you miss quotes:

If you have had any problems with a certain relationship, then you can certainly begin to sort things out; but rather than being reserved and silent about what you feel is the real problem, it is essential that you speak out. It is only by being willing to be vulnerable that you will begin to get somewhere.

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