Home » Dream about Swimming In Green Water

Dream about Swimming In Green Water

Dream about swimming in green water is a premonition for your voice and how you express your opinions and beliefs. You may need to exert some force and power to get your way and make things happen. You are still being held back by past pain and old fears. This dream is a portent for summertime. You need to pay closer attention to a problem or issue.

Swimming in green water dream symbolises recognition for your work. You need to work harder at something. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to rebuild a broken friendship. This dream is a premonition for emotions and issues that you have overlooked in your life. You may not enjoy an experience, but it is for your own good.

If you dreamt about swimming in green water:

The beginning of the day may start out boisterous and easygoing. The object of the game for you will be to have some fun. As the day wears on, you’ll feel like you need to get more organized. You have to start planning ahead and getting focused in terms of what tasks you need to take care of when.

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