Home » Dream about Talking To An Angel

Dream about Talking To An Angel

Dream about talking to an angel is an evidence for your agreement and acceptance for a particular condition or situation. You need to be less codependent. You are being censored in some area of your life. It points to a feeling of unfulfilment in some area of your life. You need to question certain authority.

Talking to an angel dream is a portent for emotional domination. You may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you. You are setting standards for yourself or of what you think others expect of you. This dream is a portent for an aspect of the past that still lingers with you. Balance has been restored in your once chaotic or hectic life.

If you dreamt about talking to an angel:

Professional interests might temporarily interfere with your social life. This might cause a little friction between you and a close friend or romantic partner. Your friend is more apt to want to brood than discuss it with you. Don’t worry. This person will come out of the funk and be more understanding. Explain the situation the best you can and then continue with your work.

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