Home » Dream about Teeth Being Filed

Dream about Teeth Being Filed

Dream about teeth being filed is a symbol for binding, cohesion, or joining. You may be feeling lost and still trying to find yourself and your purpose in life. Someone is undermining your ability. Your dream is a particular situation or issue that is not going well. There is some resentment or unexpressed anger that you need to confront.

Teeth being filed dream is a clue for fear, limitations and negative aspects of yourself. Your ideas are not receiving enough attention and validation. You may not be feeling grounded or safe. The dream is a hint for your one-sided viewpoints. You are estranged from your children.

If you dreamt about teeth being filed:

You’re in a sticky emotional battle in which someone is trying to twist your words to make you look like the bad guy. As soon as you try to get a project started, someone moves counter to your aims. Perhaps this is all due to a misunderstanding. Take the time to clear the air in all your relationships.

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