Home » Dream about The Same Girl Twice

Dream about The Same Girl Twice

Dream about the same girl twice signals your anticipation of your own upcoming event in real life. The good times are about to come to an abrupt end. You like to go against the majority. It is a metaphor for your mind, spirituality and your connection to the higher Self. Something or someone is robbing you of vital energy.

The same girl twice dream is a metaphor for warmth and your need for a better sense of security. You are compromising your values or beliefs. You are experiencing an elevated sense of spirituality. It is sometimes satisfaction with your life and where you are at. Perhaps you are taking a nonchalant attitude to circumstances that need serious consideration.

If you dreamt about the same girl twice:

What you feel inside is the most important thing to notice and follow. How will you keep a hold of this awareness when the aspect changes? Make a note to self? How about committing to making your next month one of exemplary health habits. Prove to yourself that you call the shots!

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