Home » Dream about Trying On A White Wedding Dress

Dream about Trying On A White Wedding Dress

Dream about trying on a white wedding dress is a portent for overwhelming anger or evil. The rough times are temporary and you will come out of it stronger and happier. You are not able to face the nastiness. This dream denotes two opposing viewpoints or conflicting opinions. It is time to get the negativity out of your system.

Trying on a white wedding dress dream hints deceit, underhandedness and lies. You are not utilizing your fullest potential and strengths. Your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. This dream represents a major conflict in your life. There is something in your life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced.

If you dreamt about trying on a white wedding dress:

People may be a little full of themselves, and will certainly not be backward about coming forward. It may be a good idea not to expect a peaceful time, but rather a very active and energetic time. If you can go somewhere sporty with your partner, you will really enjoy the day.

Related to trying on a white wedding dress dream:

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