Dream about Giant Needle
Dream about giant needle is a message for completion and a sense of pride or accomplishment. You need to think […]
Dream about giant needle is a message for completion and a sense of pride or accomplishment. You need to think […]
Dream about half body is an indication for negative emotions that you are repressing. Something is out of your grasp.
Dream about bamboo denotes sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You feel exposed. Your suppressed urges are making themselves
Dream about snake belly states your difficulty in communicating with a person. You need to rise above your current situation
Dream about pick up truck symbolises the feminine womb. Some unfamiliar feelings or thoughts may be breaking into your peace
Dream about being in a flooded house is a metaphor for current wars around the world and your personal feelings
Dream about eating ripe cashew is about secrets and confusion. You are feeling restrained in some relationship or situation. Perhaps
Dream about being left stranded indicates a lingering threat or a bitter confrontation that you should avoid. There is a
Dream about bird building nest is a metaphor for a needy or codependent relationship. You need to spend more time
Dream about abandoned place is sometimes the beat of your life. You will get through an emotional issue with relative